• How long does it take to get that first new role?

    It depends on a lot of factors: your current salary, where you live, what you're looking for, your experience and skills, the amount of time you're able to devote to and follow the program steps, what's going on in your personal and professional lives, and maybe a sprinkle of luck. Most clients take about four months to one year to secure that new role.

  • Is there a financial investment to join T2T?

    Yes, there is a financial investment that reflects the value of the program. Most clients make back the investment with a new job offer that can be initially be up to 40K higher than their last salary. T2T clients are often promoted within 6 months to one year of starting a new role, and/or quickly jump ship to other companies that offer more compelling roles and attractive compensation packages.

  • Do you have any kind of guarantee?

    Yes, even when your 1:1s with Dorit have ended, she will continue to support you in your journey in the Facebook group and in the biweekly group calls.

  • Has anyone ever changed their minds about breaking into tech after joining T2T?

    Yes. People come to T2T with varied life circumstances and changing needs and preferences. While they may decide to put their journey on pause due to health or family reasons, they learn the skills to be able to make a change in their career if and when they decide to. Every person's situation is unique and Dorit is not here to judge, but to support and advise.