What is T2T?

An intimate, high-level coaching program with Dorit Perry, former public high school teacher and hybrid tech worker.


  • A 6-figure career path at your fingertips – whether you start a new role at 6-figures or quickly grow into it at your new company. You’ll finally be earning what you deserve!

  • One to three exciting tech roles that you’ve identified and are actively interviewing for, so that you can reduce the angst about what direction to move in and how to get those interviews

  • An awesome resume and LinkedIn profile that speak intelligently to your experience and strengths, letting you finally relax about having a powerful and properly formatted resume

  • Knowledge of how to land a remote job in the tech industry so that you can finally achieve the quality of life you’ve been dreaming of

  • Familiarity with the language and tools of the tech world so that you can understand job descriptions and pursue roles strategically

  • The understanding of how to strategically upskill in order to manage your professional life in tech moving forward

  • An accomplished and supportive community of like-minded people transitioning into tech so that you don’t have to feel alone in your journey


  • Stay stuck at a 9-5 job that you’ve outgrown

  • Leave precious money on the table in which you could already be negotiating a higher salary and achieving a greater career earning potential

  • Waste time trying to figure out how to choose a new path, write an effective resume, utilize LinkedIn, or launch an effective career transition strategy when you could already be working in your new field!

  • Burn out and give up trying to do this all on your own, delaying your dreams or risking achieving them at all

Where Have T2T Clients Landed?

Here's a sampling!

Age of Learning

What T2T Clients Are Saying

“Dorit is an incredible leader to her clients. Not only does she go above and beyond in developing their resumes, curating resources for areas of career interest, and assisting clients in networking, but she also listens to their personal stories and has an immaculate ability in tailoring the transition to a new job based on each individual. She makes her clients feel special and confident, which ultimately leads to her impressive success rates in helping her customers find new jobs. Since working with Dorit, my life has turned a complete 180 in the best way possible. My salary is higher, my work life balance is astounding, and my career hopes and dreams are now a reality. To put it bluntly, working with Dorit was the single most important stepping stone in my new career and I easily recommend her to others looking to transition to tech. Thank you, Dorit!”

Shiva, Salesforce Consultant and Former High School English Teacher

“I feel so lucky to have found Dorit! Dorit helped me not only transition from the classroom but to realize my skills and abilities as a former educator. Dorit coached me to be more confident and helped me to know my worth in the job market. She pushed me when I was feeling discouraged and cheered me on when things were going well! She worked with me to create a stellar resume that will take me throughout my career. One of the most helpful activities we did together was to talk through my past experiences for my resume. Not only did it give her the content she needed to create my resume, but it also gave me talking points for interviews and refreshed my memory of my accomplishments. If you are a teacher looking to make a life-altering career change, Dorit is your place to land. I am so happy in my new tech recruiting role and wouldn't be here if it weren't for her!”

Maddy, Senior Talent Partner and Former Middle School Teacher

“"HUGE thank you, really. Yes, I had the referral from (Name)...but your help with the interview prep, coaching, and all the other things before is really what made it happen. You’re amazing! This will literally change the trajectory for me and my family... Again, I want to say THANK YOU! You definitely made this possible. Helping me throughout the process and making me see that I am worthy of more - literally can’t thank you enough!"”

Stephen, Customer Success Manager and Former Special Education and Elementary School Teacher

Meet Dorit Perry, the Founder of T2T and Your Coach

Dorit Perry

Founder and CEO

In the last five years, Dorit (pronounced Dor-eet) has individually coached nearly 100 people to break into 6 figure careers, primarily in the tech world. She is a former public high school educator, hybrid tech worker, and acting and improv student. After living and reinventing herself in five major cities across the U.S., she considers herself highly skilled in the art of the work and life pivot. Dorit’s clients appreciate her nonjudgemental, insightful, honest, and straightforward approach to coaching them through their journeys. They also appreciate her frank talk about money!

Ready to see if T2T is a fit? Please submit an application below.